(DOWNIEVILLE) - The annual kid's Downieville Lion's Club fishing Derby, always held on Father's Day, was a huge success. Young anglers came from far and wide to test their skills. Thanks to the California Fish and Wildlife Department, a special planting of trout took place in advance of the contest. Fish ranging from eight inches to over four pounds were swimming in the frigid waters on the North Yuba River under the Courthouse bridge. The prize money for the derby was graciously provided by the local Lion's club. The first place prize of $100 went to Downieville local three-year-old Sequoia Fadden for her 15 and 3/4 inch rainbow trout. Second place of $50 was awarded to Raven Costa for his 14 and 1/4 inch prize catch. Third place of $25 went to Hector Nevarez of Sierra City. Special thanks to Cindy at the Sierra Hardware Store for her generous donation of salmon eggs for the participants. Mike Galan was incredible in his ever so accurate weighing and measuring of the contestant's fishy entries.
February 11, 2025
Nevada County explores housing as a potential use for the soon-to-be-vacated courthouse complex in Nevada City.
February 13, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 7, 2025
February 14, 2025