2023 Snowbusters Scholarships Awarded

By Donna Johnson

June 15, 2023

The Sierra Buttes Snowbusters, a snowmobiling club based in Sierra City, is happy to announce the recipients of the 2023 Snowbusters’ scholarships. This year the scholarship committee felt there were two very deserving applicants and; therefore, will be presenting $1000 scholarship certificates to Mia Martinelli and Riley Pearmund.

These scholarships are presented based on the student’s high school transcript, community involvement and a two-page essay. This year the topic for the essay was: The Covid19 pandemic was approximately from March 2020 to March 2023, please describe the effects of this pandemic and its restrictions on education, economics and goods/supplies in Sierra County.

Mia will be attending Middlebury College in Vermont studying architecture in the fall and Riley will be attending UC Santa Cruz studying film and digital media. Best of luck to both recipients.

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