Bear Problem Remedy

May 22, 2024


I am amazed by all the bear problems we are experiencing. Just a few minutes ago I saw a bear wander through my front yard. I dashed for my old stand-by remedy - 1.4oz so-called “Air Horn” or also called “Marine/Sport” horn that one can buy on Amazon or other stores. It TRULY works shooting a few loud air blasts toward the bear. He/she will run as if he had been hit by a lightning bolt. I would recommend that each Sierra County or Downieville resident has 2-3 such air horns around the house and use it immediately whenever you see a bear nearby. It’s still cheaper than repairing $1,000’s in property or car damages. The small horns are only $7.99 per 1.4oz can and are worth every penny times 1,000. I’m not participating in any advertising or kickback for these products. Just get them and be safe.

G. Wolfgang Franke


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