California Creative Corps seeks grant panelists for Sierra County

February 2, 2023

Press Release from SCAC

Sierra County’s people are our most treasured resource. The Upstate Creative Corps grant applications will soon be available on-line and the Sierra County Arts Council (SCAC) will be seeking a diverse panel pool to ensure the integrity of our grant review process for all applicants, representative of our county’s unique rural demographics, eclectic geography, and wealth of organizations, perspectives, and knowledge.

Eligible applicants will be included in a panelist pool to be approved by Sierra County Arts Council – a partner agency to the Administering Organization for the California Arts Council – in the months preceding the 2023-24 Upstate California Creative Corps grant activity period.

Panelists must meet the following criteria: 1) they must be Sierra County residents; 2) they must be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of applications based on the Upstate California Creative Corps published program goals and review criteria; 3) they must have the capacity to take part in three virtual group meetings, 10-12 hours reviewing grants, taking notes, and attending meetings and orientations over a six-to-eight-week period. Each panelist receives a modest honorarium of $150. All reviews and meetings may take place in-person and/or remotely. More information about reviewing grants will be provided at the appropriate time.

What's next? Apply on line at Once you complete the form, you'll receive an automated message confirming your submission. Then, we'll follow up and contact panel applicants on an individual basis as we begin putting panels together.

Questions? If you have any questions, please reach out to B.J. Jordan 530-961-2188 or

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