Congressional Candidate to Visit Sierra County

October 19, 2023

Press Release by Sierra County Democratic Central Committee

Jessica-Morse.jpegOn Friday, October 27, the people of Sierra County are invited to meet Jessica Morse, candidate for Congress in the Third Congressional District. At 10:00 a.m., Jessica will be at the home of Don & Lynn McKechnie, 304 West Willow Street, Sierraville. At noon, she will be at the home of Betty Thatcher, 136 Smithneck Road, Sierra Brooks. At 2:30 p.m., she will be at the White House, 312 Main Street, Sierra City. And, at 4:30 p.m., she will be in the back room of the Masonic Hall, 206 Commercial Street, Downieville.

Jessica Morse is a Democratic candidate for Congress. She is a fifth-generation Northern Californian, whose ancestors crossed the Sierra on covered wagons, and settled in the Sierra foothills. Today, Jessica and her family remain stewards of those lands, giving her a unique understanding of how to protect Californians from wildfire. She grew up in a middle-class family, and understands the struggles of families to find affordable housing and juggle the cost of gas, utilities, and groceries.

In 2019, Jessica was appointed Deputy Secretary for Forest and Wildland Resilience at the California Natural Resources Agency. In that capacity, she has worked on the frontline of California’s wildfire crisis and fast-tracking wildfire prevention efforts. Last year, Jessica was appointed to the U.S. Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission, helping to develop recommendations and strategies to reshape national wildfire policies.

Prior to her work on wildfire resilience, Jessica spent a decade working in national security for the U.S. Defense Department, the U.S. State Department, and USAID, the humanitarian branch of the State Department. This included a tour of Iraq in 2005, working side-by-side with U.S. troops for eighteen months.

Her deep commitment of public service drove her to volunteer on the ground in Paradise after the Camp Fire, and to create the Fresno Farm Bridge to help struggling family farms stay in business during COVID-19.

In announcing her campaign for the House of Representatives, Jessica said, “When I see a problem, I run towards it and will not stop until it is solved,” said Morse. “It’s not about partisanship. It’s about problem-solving. That’s what drives my public service and why I’m running for Congress. We must put aside our differences and find solutions that keep people safe and healthy and make life better for everyone.”

We invite everyone to come and meet Jessica Morse. She wants to meet as many people as possible in Congressional District 3, and is eager to listen to what any of us have to say — regardless of whether we belong to a political party or no party at all. For more information about Jessica, you can find her website at, follow her on Instagram at morse4america, and also find her on Facebook.

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