DHS Senior Competes in District Level Lions’ Club Speech Contest

By Lynn Fillo

May 11, 2023

Mia Martinelli, above, pictured during the Lions' Club District Level speech contest held in Roseville on May 2.

On May 2, Downieville High School Senior Mia Martinelli competed against three other students in the Lions’ Club District Level Speech Contest hosted by the Roseville Lions Club. This was the fourth time Mia delivered her speech on this year’s topic “Social Media: Connects Us or Isolates Us?”

Mia had advanced from the local level speech contest to competitions held in Grass Valley and then El Dorado Hills before competing in Roseville. Her well-crafted and exceptionally well-presented speech noted that although social media allows her to stay in touch with her best friend who lives thousands of miles away in Hawaii, those contacts leave her feeling lonely and isolated. The social media “fix” is not as satisfying as in-person visits.

All four contestants received accolades from the host Lions and other audience members. It was obviously a difficult decision as to who should continue onto the next level of competition; the honor fell to a Roseville student. Two DHS friends, Natalie Rust and Ariann Jackson, accompanied Mia to the competition, giving her much appreciated, in-person support.

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