Donovans Dogs Open During Weekends!

May 18, 2023

DOWNIEVILLE- On Friday, May 12, Sierra City resident Joshua Donovan, owner of Donovans Dogs, opened for a full three days in a row at the Sierra Hardware store parking lot. With Johnny Cash blasting through the speakers and the tall hot dog sign blowing in the wind, multiple passersbys traveling CA - 49 stopped to partake of his famous “dirty water” dogs. Don’t be fooled by the “dirty water”, this term indicates a hot dog cooked in highly seasoned water. Prices for a regular, jumbo, polish, and chili & cheese hot dog will not hurt the wallet. Donovan was almost sold out, as The Mountain Messenger bought the last dog on Friday.

Donovan grew up playing Little League in Antioch, California, and his love of baseball and the food associated with this fine sport prompted him to open a joint offering another bit of Americana. Folks will likely see Gillian and Crystal Rust at the stand lending a hand. Freshly squeezed lemonade will eventually be available; all we are missing now is a baseball game to watch while we enjoy his food. Stop by and show your support on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m..

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