Downieville Fire and EMS Open House

By Jacie Epperson

May 18, 2023

The week of May 20 to May 27, is National EMS Week. We celebrate EMS Week recognizing our Fire and EMS first responder personnel, pausIng for a moment to reflect on the significant role and vital public service these dedicated volunteers hold in our healthcare arena.

This year’s theme “EMS Strong: Where Emergency Care Begins” is a relevant message for those in the Fire and EMS profession and reminds us of the hard work they do every day to serve and protect their communities often at great personal sacrifice. Access to emergency care improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience a sudden illness or injury. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers, who are the heart of our communities they serve. They make sure their communities are protected and safe 24/7/365.

EMS Strong reminds us that strength in this field can be found in a variety of ways: bravery, self-sacrifice, passion and dedication to both the field and to the communities they serve. Responders are challenged to find both physical and mental strength daily. They engage in hours of specialized continuing education and skills training.

Please join the volunteers for an open house at the Downieville Fire Department on May 27, 2023 from 10a – 2p at 321 Main St. Downieville, CA.

Ambulances and our rescue vehicles will be available for tours. Handouts for basic CPR and Stop the Bleed will be available. Flight care information and pamphlets will be available. Volunteers are needed and joining the department is easy. Please ask any questions you may have and we will be happy answer them.

Please join us in welcoming our new Paramedic Tegan Harrington.

Come and have a hot dog and cake too!

See you then.

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