Electric Car & Bike Show in Nevada City on Saturday, October 29

By Yubanet.com

October 27, 2022

In case you haven’t heard yet, California is banning the sale of gasoline powered cars by the year 2035. This means you have about 12 years to find an electric car that fits your own personal transportation needs.

To start your research, come to the Electric Car Show hosted by Nevada County Climate Action Now. It will be held in the parking lot of the New York Hotel (Broad Street across from the Nevada Theatre) in Nevada City on October 29th from 10 a.m. -3 p.m.. On display will be up to 10 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles of varying makes, models, and ages for you to inspect, as well as electric bikes.

For further information, see https://www.ncclimateactionnow.org/

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