Press Release by Fire Safe Sierra County
January 17, 2024
First Step: Landowner Expression of Interest SIERRA COUNTY — Fire Safe Sierra County (FSSC) continues to pursue grant funding to help reduce hazardous fuels on private properties. As part of this effort, FSSC is inviting Sierra County landowners who need vegetation removal assistance to “raise their hands” so FSSC can start pursuing funding for the work. To produce competitive funding proposals, FSSC will need to track landowner interest by general community and potential fuel treatment needs. This includes, among other things: 1) demonstrating broad landowner interest in receiving fuel reduction assistance on private property, 2) understanding where assistance is most needed, and 3) providing an estimate for the total area to be treated within a given area. According to Rodd Rummel, Executive Director for Fire Safe Sierra County, “Fortunately, there is grant money available for things like increasing defensible space around homes and reducing fuel loads on privately owned parcels. But first, we need to hear from landowners so we can begin to map out the potential scope of work.” Sierra County landowners in need of fuel reduction assistance are encouraged to visit the Fire Safe Sierra County website,, and go to the “Hazardous Fuel Reduction” page under “Programs” to fill out an Expression of Interest form. Or they can email or call 530.994.2266 for more information. About Fire Safe Sierra County: Sierra County Fire Safe and Watershed Council ("Fire Safe Sierra County") is a non-profit organization promoting wildfire resiliency throughout Sierra County, California.
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