Frank Lang Resigns From Fire Protection District and Medical Roles

August 10, 2024

Lang during a presentation on Downieville Emergency Medical Services in January

Lang during a presentation on Downieville Emergency Medical Services in January

DOWNIEVILLE — Today, August 9th, at 12:28 p.m., Frank J. Lang, NP, resigned from the Downieville Fire Protection District and his medical roles by the following email:

Good afternoon,

I hereby am tendering my resignation from the Downieville Fire Protection District, my Deputy Medical Director role and my Urgent Care role effective September 1st, 2024, My life circumstances have changed so that I need to be a caregiver. I am humbled by the opportunity to have served the Department and the Community all these years.

Warm Regards,


Lang has been an indispensable part of Downieville’s medical services and response and has been effective in various roles in Western Sierra Medical Clinic and Downieville Fire Protection District for almost 50 years. He was essential in establishing organized and effective medical services in the region. The resignation is effective September 1st, 2024.

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