Letter to Readers

September 7, 2023

Dear Readers,

Ever since becoming the owner, publisher, and editor of this newspaper back in 2020, I have overstretched my nearly 75-year-old mind and body trying to handle all three roles. Now, I am extremely pleased to announce a brilliant young man, Ryan Steinwert, has agreed to become The Mountain Messenger’s 28th editor.

The paper’s first use of Ryan’s skills came in late 2021, when he, a recent graduate of UC Santa Cruz (BS, Computer Science), at the recommendation of his mother, Laurie Halliday, replaced our very clunky, WordPress-based website and became the website manager of TheMountainMessenger.org.

This spring, when we learned Lenny Ackerman wanted to fund an internship for the paper this summer, our assistant editor, Angela Shannon, having been thoroughly impressed with Ryan’s abilities handling the website, asked Ryan if he would be interested in becoming an intern for us. Angela and I both rejoiced when he said yes.

Then, only a few days prior to June 1, when Ryan’s internship was to begin, I fractured my femur. Without Ryan’s fortuitous arrival, frankly, given my physical condition, I’m afraid publication of the paper during the last three months would have been impossible and our 171 years of continuous publication would have ended.

Indeed, with my recovery now still a work in progress and old age firmly settling in, if Ryan hadn’t agreed to stay with us and formally take over the editor’s job, the odds of the paper staying in print would have been atrocious.

So, I and all the readers of The Mountain Messenger have much gratitude for Ryan’s decision to continue serving the community.

Meanwhile, I will be sticking around as owner and publisher. My goal will be to attend with the business side of the operation and institute measures to make the institution financially viable.

As for the problem of bears invading properties here in Downieville, the sooner the bears have their natural food sources restored, the sooner they won’t be hanging out in town. Bringing back the salmon would help.

Opening up the forest to more sunshine, that is, providing more habitat for diverse flora and fauna, should also be a goal if we don’t want to continue euthanizing ancient citizens of a gorgeous mountain terrain.

Carl Butz

Owner and Publisher

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