Mad Hatter Tea Party Delights at Yuba River Hall

Press Release by Sierra County Arts Council

April 30, 2024

Inside the tea party at the North Yuba River Hall

Inside the tea party at the North Yuba River Hall

DOWNIEVILLE — The annual Mad Hatter Tea party was hosted by the Sierra County Arts Council on April 20th in the historic North Yuba River Hall. The Tea Party is a traditional event started by the Native Daughters of the Golden West, who deeded the beautiful building over to the Arts Council last year. The Daughters were dedicated to maintaining the Hall, which was built circa 1864, and the Arts Council is working to preserve the building for local cultural programs. Volunteers provided delicious sweet treats and luncheon items. The following raffle of wonderful donated items was a lot of fun, the highlight being the “Chamomile Bear” hand-sewn by Ingrid Larson. Hats of note were Rudy Jackson’s Yoda hat and Sarah Folsom’s beret, which belonged to her grandmother. It was the perfect event for a beautiful spring day. Proceeds from the event will be used to maintain the North Yuba River Hall for future generations. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Rudy Jackson sporting his Yoda hat

Rudy Jackson sporting his Yoda hat

The North Yuba River Hall is hosting a variety of events and programs. Ongoing classes include Line Dancing with Kathy Fischer of Downieville Dance and Senior Movement classes led by Kat Macchia. Upcoming events include Corinne West’s “Transformations in Song” on May 11; the “Sierra Buttes and Lakes Basin Book Release and Art Show” on June 9, a project of the Sierra County Land Trust; and a concert of original folk songs featuring Rita Hosking and Sean Feder on June 22. The Arts Council is always looking for people and organizations with a passion for partnering in the production of local cultural events at the North Yuba River Hall and the Yuba Theatre. Please contact B.J. at or 530-289-9822 if you have an idea or would like to help. The Sierra County Arts Council is a state-local partner of the California Arts Council. More information is available at

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