Monday, November 18
09:37 - Welfare check requested out of county.
09:49 - Ambulance requested in Verdi.
11:17 - Driver retrieved vehicle stuck in snow around Goodyears Bar.
14:41 - Apparently subject inquiring about county services to folks at local business in Downieville raised suspicion.
15:22 - Civil service requested in Pike.
15:57 - Supposed reckless driver zipping around Loyalton, was apparently experiencing medical issues. Drivers in a medical crisis...brings to mind impatient hotheads waiting at a red light who start honking if the car in front of them hasn’t hit the gas pedal in .2 seconds after the light turns green. Never know if a medical issue causes a delay in one proceeding; choking on a piece of candy, having a seizure or a heart attack etc. Not everyone is slow to move because they are distracted, looking at their phone. I’d further state, before you go off and marry someone, especially in these parts, see how they act when they have to endure the snail-paced driver ahead of them on our windy mountain roads who refuses to pull over despite multiple opportunities to safely do so and let others pass, see how your significant other reacts to waiting for Caltrans to wave them through a construction zone, or how they treat the airport staff when a flight is delayed, a waiter/waitress when their order takes forever or is wrong. Choose wisely- marrying a donkeyhole or a queen “B,” especially someone who is quick to anger (a fool), will guarantee you years of strife.
17:08 - Report of a restraining order violation. It’s possible consequences of abusing 911 with frivolous calls might be weighing in as the reporting party made a wise decision to defer their matters to the back line (530-289-3700) at the SO to air their grievances.
17:18 - Possible mental health crisis in Loyalton.
17:38 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
19:38 - Deputies made contact with a driver in Calpine. Despite their being concerns related to their presence - no crimes were committed.
20:02 - Accidental 911 in Sierraville.
22:02 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
Tuesday, November 19
07:42 - Notification of control burn happening around the Gold Lake area.
08:00 - Two dogs loose in Downieville. Oh yes, this was my call to the non-emergency backline at the SO (530-289-3700). Two dogs, one brown and one black, seemed lost and extremely hungry. I just arrived at the office and, fortunately, had breakfast from home in my possession, which included some bacon. Gave the dogs all my bacon and then retrieved all the dog treats at my desk in the office- which they quickly consumed. When I realized the black dog was foaming at the mouth, being a mild germaphobe, my duty abruptly ended there. Did my best!
08:06 - A puppy found in Downieville was returned to its owner.
09:34 - Notification of a controlled burn in Downieville.
12:18 - Downieville School will be conducting a fire drill. On my purchase list (doing my part to keep our beloved UPS driver employed) is an emergency fire suppression blanket from the company Prepared Hero. Would be extremely useful to have just in case I needed to extinguish stovetop flames thanks to whatever cooking catastrophe I created.
12:22 - Smoke raised alarm in Downieville. Legal burn pile.
13:08 - Found property in Downievlle.
16:15 - Loyaltonians need help finding a lost key to a locked part of their facility.
Wednesday, November 20
07:11 - Repairs made to a downed power line and pole in Sierraville.
08:12 - Dogs at large in Downieville.
10:10 - Truancy check being conducted in Loyalton by Probation Dept.
11:29 - One arrested outside the county on a Sierra County warrant.
13:00 - Another call to the SO backline (530-289-3700) over a supposed restraining order violation. Wondering if there is a penal code for “Abusing Sheriff Office Non-Emergency Number.”
13:03 - Dogs running amuck in Downieville.
14:22 - CHP responding to a vehicle crash off of Hwy 89.
14:50 - CHP notified of a reckless semi around Loyalton and Sierraville. Well, that ain’t good!
15:51 - CHP, Eastern Plumas Ambulance, and Sierra County Fire were notified of a vehicle crash in the eastern part of the county with possible ejections.
17:48 - Crash on Hwy 89 with injuries attended to by Truckee Fire, Truckee Ambulance, and the Sierra County Fire District. CHP handling incident.
17:50 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
18:33 - Vehicle crash in Loyalton damages property.
Thursday, November 21
03:04 - Line issues lead to 911 hangups in the county.
07:05 - Lodger at the Nevada County Jail transported to Sierra County for court.
08:51 - “USFS conducting controlled burns near the Yuba Sierra County line.”
11:50 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.
12:22 - Apparently a vehicle parked behind Social Services in Loyalton raised suspicion. Party is receiving services. Part of me thinks, “mind your business,” but I suppose it is always better to err on the side of caution. Just don’t be a “Karen” about things while conducting your neighborhood watch.
14:29 - “Report of a possible restraining order violation in Loyalton.”
15:58 - “Deputy assists a citizen with Restraining Order information.”
19:57 - Water on the telephone lines causing 911 issues.
20:29 - Caltrans and CHP notified of large boulder in the middle of Hwy 49, 8 miles from Downieville southbound.
Friday, November 22
05:10 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
05:36 - CHP handling non-injury vehicle crash on Long Valley Road.
09:14 - USFS conducting a controlled burn in Camptonville.
12:05 - Missing female yellow lab in Sierraville.
17:20 - Rain caused flooding in parts around Durgan Flat Road in Downieville.
18:50 - Tree down on Ridge Road in Camptonville.
18:57 - CHP notified of tree blocking the northbound lane of Hwy 49 near Camptonville.
19:17 - CHP and deputy unable to located reported crash around Ridge Road.
19:59 - Accidental 911 call in Downieville.
23:39 - Ambulance requested in Sierra City.
Saturday, November 23
08:19 - Sierra City resident reports their peace is being disturbed by the sound of a neighbor’s generator. I’m sure the sound is annoying- but this is mountain life; loud generators are a normal occurrence when the power goes out. Focus on being happy for your neighbor’s good fortune in having a working generator.Maybe in being an amiable neighbor, exhibiting good-will with a smidgen of long-suffering during the rough patches, will be to your benefit in the long run. Never know when you might need a neighbor’s help one day.
08:30 - Another Sierra City resident needs assistance starting their generator. Sierra City Fire notified.
08:46 - More controlled burns by USFS near Camptonville.
10:16 - CHP notified of a vehicle off the road due to snow near Bassetts.
10:20 - Sierra County Road Dept. notified of a tree across a roadway in the town of Forest.
10:47 - Another crash, good grief- lots of crashes this week! This time, two miles south of the Pass- vehicle in the snow. CHP notified.
11:02 - Ambulance requested in Portola.
13:48 - Civil dispute in Pike between landlord and tenant.
14:16 - Welfare check requested around Indian Valley Outpost.
19:02 - Deputies arrived at a suspicious scene on Ridge Road near the Yuba County line. Two on “Felony Probation” were arrested on drug charges.
19:16 - Driver will make arrangements to move their disabled vehicle located near China Flat.
Sunday, November 24
10:28 - Report of possibly abandoned trailer in Verdi.
13:05 - Concerns alleviated in Verdi. Fire is a control burn.
13:26 - Possible over-length semi near Downieville.
14:43 - Alarm sounding from ATM in Downieville.
Total Reported: 69
February 11, 2025
Nevada County explores housing as a potential use for the soon-to-be-vacated courthouse complex in Nevada City.
February 13, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 7, 2025
February 14, 2025