Slides close Caribou Road at Belden in Feather River Canyon

By Tamara Schmidt

June 15, 2023

Flooding on Caribou Road, image provided by US Forest Service

QUINCY, CA — Two landslides were confirmed today affecting Caribou Road and the North Fork of the Feather River on the Plumas National Forest Mount Hough Ranger District.
The landslides are the result of recent storms and heavy rain saturating soils.  The area has also been affected by multiple wildfires over the past 15 years.
The slides have rerouted the river onto Caribou Road, flooding the road and affecting access for Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and partners.  Continued flooding may also cause damage to Caribou Road.  There is no damage to PG&E facilities in the area, including dams.
There is a risk of additional slides in the area this week due to weather.  The risk is expected to be reduced with drier weather later this week.
A Type 3 Incident Command Team is being set up and the Forest Service is working with PG&E and other partners to work on solutions.
Caribou Road is closed from the junction with California State Highway 70 at Belden to the Caribou Afterbay Dam at Belden Forebay.
Queen Lily, Gansner Bar and North Fork campgrounds, located on Caribou Road haven’t opened for the season due to slide repair in the Feather River Canyon creating access challenges.
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