Subject: Response to the Sierra County 2022-2023 Grand Jury Report

February 9, 2023

Dear Judge Ervin:

Pursuant to section 933 of the California Penal Code, please consider this the response to the above referenced report from the Sierra County Board of Supervisors.

First, the board appreciates the service of all members of the grand jury in their effort to monitor and provide guidance for the best possible operation of local government. Such service can be considered thankless at times, but the board appreciates all who gave their time and expertise in this important responsibility.

The board also appreciates the cooperation of all county officials and employees in assisting the grand jury in their oversight duties. We are not surprised by this cooperation, but wish to acknowledge it.

Finally, this board agrees with all findings of the grand jury with respect to the issue and local response to COVID-19. Sierra County, like the rest of the world, faced some difficult times in the last 36 months. While our rural setting certainly helped our overall situation in that social distancing is certainly easier in a county with 3,000 people scattered over 980 square miles, no doubt the work and cooperation of all local agencies significantly affected how the virus was controlled within the county. In addition to all county agencies, we also appreciate the assistance that was provided by local fire agencies, ambulance services, and other special districts within the county.

We appreciate this opportunity to comment.




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