Tahoe Forest Invites Public Comment on Nevada County Fuels Project

Tahoe National Forest Press Release

December 3, 2024

NEVADA CITY — Interested individuals are invited to provide feedback on Tahoe National Forest’s South Yuba Roadside Fuel Break Project by Jan. 6, 2025. The project would treat dense and hazardous fuels along approximately 50 miles of roads across 3,000 acres of Tahoe National Forest lands. The project aims to establish a network of fuel breaks and reduce wildfire risk for Western Nevada County communities including Nevada City, Cascade Shores, North Bloomfield, North Columbia, North San Juan, Washington and Graniteville.

Fuel breaks can provide improved opportunities for fire suppression and serve as a location to hold or slow a wildfire. Along roads, they also help establish safe ingress and egress routes for the public and firefighting resources should a wildfire impact the area.

“Tahoe National Forest is prioritizing work that reduces wildfire risk to our local communities,” said Tahoe National Forest Yuba River District Ranger Tom Parrack. “Reducing fuels along roadways is essential for public and firefighter safety in the event of a wildfire. This work increases the ability for people to leave the area, as well as a space for firefighters to hopefully slow or hold the progress of a fire.”

The project proposes a combination of vegetation and timber removal treatments to construct fuel breaks and remove hazard trees.

Work on the South Yuba Roadside Fuel Break project is proposed to begin early spring 2025 with implementation expected to take place over several years. Work will generally occur between the months of March through November.

Community members are invited to review the South Yuba Roadside Fuel Break Project documentation and maps at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=66923.

Comments may be submitted by Jan. 6, 2025 through the following ways:

Mail: Tom Parrack, Yuba River District Ranger, c/o Nicole Gemmell, Yuba River Ranger District, 631 Coyote Street, Nevada City, California, 95959.

In-Person: Deliver to 631 Coyote Street, Nevada City, California, 95959, 9 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Electronically: Submit as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf) or Word (.doc) to comments-pacificsouthwest-tahoe-yuba-river@usda.gov with the subject line “Fuel break.”

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