The 129th Annual North San Juan Cherry Festival is Coming Soon!

By Shannon Bratt

June 12, 2024

Cherry Festival poster

Please join us on June 22nd, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., at the North San Juan Community Center for the 129th Annual North San Juan Cherry Festival! It’s a magical day packed with deeply rooted, small-town, family-friendly fun! The Cherry Festival begins at 10:00 a.m. with a 30-minute local parade, one of the longest-running traditions of the Ridge. Remember to arrive early to find a spot to park, as Highway 49 will be closed for 30 minutes during the parade.

Immediately after the parade, the NSJ Community Center will be hosting food, fun games, a cake walk, pie-eating contests, face painting, and local music featuring musicians throughout the region. There will be over 25 booths, including local vendors, a psychic, a black-smith, a masseuse, artists, and crafters. This year we are also offering the inaugural Wellness Fair featuring local county and non-profit service providers offering information about the services available for you and your family.

Let’s not forget there is also a fabulous drawing! Last year, we had over $10,500 in drawing prizes, thanks to over 150 local businesses and individuals. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for a sneak peek at what is available! Drawing tickets are only $1 (yup, it’s a good old-fashioned drawing) and are available for purchase electronically or during the Festival.

The Cherry Festival drawing is our biggest fundraiser of the year. All proceeds from the drawing support and expand the Center’s community-focused programs. This year, we are focused on raising funds to continue our EBT Eats Free Tuesday Night Dinner. The grant to fund this wildly successful program, which feeds 75-100 people every week, expires on June 30th, and we would love to keep the program going.

If you, your business, or someone you know would like to donate a prize to the drawing, please get in touch with Shannon Bratt at

If you are interested in volunteering or buying drawing tickets, please call Ali Anderson at (707) 484-7179. You can also sign up using our online form at

To provide baked goods or help out with activities during the day, contact Jesse at (530) 955-1446.

If you are interested in vending or being part of the parade, contact Sue Bauer at (530) 292-9525.

Entertainers open to supporting our fundraiser with pro bono performances can sign up using this form: We have roadies to help you set up and a sound tech to ensure your sound is on point!

The North San Juan Community Center is located at 29190 Highway 49 in North San Juan. Check out our community calendar of events on our Facebook page at or our website at

We are a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt non- profit organization One hundred percent of your gift will be used for local charitable purposes and can be deductible as a contribution under federal and state income tax laws.

Tax ID# 68-0183166

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