Veterans Day Celebrated in Downieville

November 16, 2023

article1.jpgVeterans parade down Main StreetDOWNIEVILLE — Veterans were honored this year in Downieville by a parade, preceded by the traditional national anthem and ringing of the town bell for Sierra County veterans who have died. Turnout for the event was lighter than in past years, but great support from the community made it a respectful and fitting observation of the holiday.article2.jpgThe Downieville town bell being rung

After the noon fire siren sounded, participating veterans lined up behind the bell tower where the bell was rung for Bernie Stringer, Don Batcheller, Don McIntosh, Walter Bowman, Andy Carpenter, John Marshall, Jack Sadler, Bob Burns, Mike Lozano, John Funk, and others.

Also in the thoughts of many veterans were Myron McClelland, the only Downieville High School graduate to die in Vietnam, and Arthur Shelton, the only Loyalton High School graduate to do the same.Myron-McClelland.jpgMyron McClelland

Arthur-Shelton.jpegArthur SheltonThe parade marched up and back down Main Street, with the official song for each represented military branch being played by organizer Patti Stringer. Finally, the group made its way to Boomtown Back Yard, where a free barbeque lunch was provided for the veterans by the business.article3.jpgParade participants outside Boomtown Back Yard

The Mountain Messenger thanks all the veterans of Sierra County for their great service to our country.MarshallImage.jpgDavid Marshall, 84th Engineer Battalion (Construction), just before returning from Saigon, Vietnam in 1965

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